Dating Disasters: Do Looks Matter?


Dating disasters are a plenty when you’re out on the market trying to find the perfect match. So what exactly does that mean? What’s more important-physical attraction or mental? One Zardozi woman shares her experience with the online dating world.

Dating Disasters: Do Looks Matter - Zardozi Magazine - Dating

Cinderella had her glass slipper and Carrie had her Blahniks.  Women just love shoes. It doesn’t just apply to women’s shoes either. A man with a nice pair, can really complete the look.

First impressions matter. It’s in those first few seconds that I decide if I want to see a guy again. Maybe a little vain, but the same principle applies at a bar. When you see a cute guy, you don’t think, “I bet he has a nice personality.” Looks first attract a person and then the personality has to stick.

People have always told me I look a little younger than my age and the men in the dating world seem to think so too because I only seem to meet the young ones, when in reality I’m looking for an older man with a young at heart mentality.

So when an older European man from the North East asked me to meet, I agreed. He actually called to chat on the phone too, something unheard of with the younger ones. Later he said we would be wearing jeans, a t-shirt and running shoes. I was sure to let him know that the place we were meeting was pretty dressy and I assumed he was joking about his outfit choice. He’s from a cosmopolitan city, with a European background, there is no way he would show up looking that casual. But he did.

From the neck up, he was handsome, just the right amount of scruff and very pretty eyes. But his shoe choice really threw me off. I was looking all cute with a skirt, crop top and heels and he had on runners that I would only wear if…actually I would never wear them. They were that bad.

I tried to look past the bad shoe choice and hoped he would make a better decision the next time around.

The next day when he asked to meet again, this time for a bhangra dance competition, I was tempted. I love to dance so I thought it would be a fun adventure. He said he would go buy the tickets and wait for me there. Once again I dolled myself up and once again I was disappointed with those ugly shoes staring me in the face and at that, with white socks! Dating disaster?

He was so sweet and chatty and really enjoyed the show, as did I. But all I could think about was how this guy was not making a good style impression on me. I wish I could say I wasn’t this petty, but I guess I am.

When a man shows up well dressed, with a nice pair of laced, brown shoes, he already has my attention and I might just let him slide on my glass slipper and be my prince.

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