Books you Should Read on a Plane

During the summer break you may have been close to going crazy trying to keep your kids entertained. My Mom’s solution was to shuffle us off to the library where weekly competitions were organized to see which kiddo could read the most books. Even as a young girl, my passion for travel was starting to bloom, so I always devoured the books about countries and cultures.

Now that I am a Mom myself, I don’t find much time to read or I make it through a few pages before I pass out (a little earlier than I”m willing to admit). But when I am travelling, I like to keep a book with me. These are some of my favourites that will send your imagination into faraway lands.


This was one of my reading requirements when I studied journalism at Toronto’s Ryerson University. Canadian authors-Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Nino Ricci-write some of the best novels. Quebecois author Anne Hebert’s fast paced writing keeps you in suspense, so you will be turning the pages quickly. She paints a vivid  picture of 19th century Quebec life through the thoughts and dreams of Elisabeth d’Aulnieres. Think frigid snowy winters, love triangles and lots of Francais.

A Thousand Splendid Suns

I recently started volunteering with an Afghan refugee family and it has opened my eyes even more to their beautiful, complicated country. I have now learned so much more. There is far more to Afghanistan that what we see on the news. Most of the books I am drawn to are set in foreign lands. Afghan-American Author Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns takes place in his motherland. What I like about this book is that it focuses on the friendship between two female characters, Mariam and Laila. Both endure heartbreak and challenges in the midst of war.

Lives of the Saints

I remember catching bits of this story in a made for television movie and felt compelled to read the book, since usually the author’s version is better. Canadian writer, Nino Ricci’s Italian roots shine in this novel set in a small village. Follow Vittorio Innocente’s life through a series of three books that weave together tales of passion, superstition and the immigrant experience.

Going Solo

If you have read any of British author Roald Dahl’s zany books (Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the BFG) you will not be surprised to learn that his real life was nearly as outlandish as the stories he spun. The bestselling author shares some of his bizarre adventures and world travels in this autobiography.

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