Covid Vaccines: Why I’m Against the Mandates and Masks


Covid vaccines aren’t something Mahwish Labao is willing to get. Her whole family got Covid-19 in June 2020, so she’s hoping natural immunity is in her favour. And even though some might call her a conspiracy theorist, the Indian-American says she’s constantly in search for the truth about the Covid vaccines, despite what she see as media censorship and fear-mongering. Mahwish shares her thoughts on why she’s against vaccines, passports, masks and mandates with Zardozi.

Covid Vaccines: Here's Why I'm Not Getting the Vaccine - Zardozi Magazine - Covid 19


What was it like getting Covid? My Dad was the first one to get it. He had a high fever so he went to the hospital. They sent him home, telling him to quarantine. Next my daughter got a fever for two days and some hot patches on her body. After that she was fine. My husband was next. He was the worst. He was on pneumonia medicine and sick for two weeks. I also got Covid after him, but each of us had different symptoms. None of us needed to stay in hospital.

What are your thoughts on the Covid vaccines?  We aren’t anti-vaccine. But about three years ago we stopped taking flu shots because we wanted to build immunity. My question is if the government is saying the vaccine gets rid of your body’s recognition if you had Covid previously, then why would I willingly get a vaccine? Now there are so many variants so what’s the point of the vaccines? If the vaccines work and you got it then why does it matter to you if I get the Covid vaccine or not? The government never encouraged us to go outside and be healthier. All they wanted to do was constantly put medicines down our throats. Now it’s constant poisoning with these booster shoots. Also there’s no long term studies on the safety of these vaccines. Even the creator of this gene therapy has advised not to rush with the vaccines. The best thing to fight a virus is your immune system and that was never promoted.

Why do you think there’s so much fear about this virus? The media. CNN was caught off camera saying they are putting the fear in people over Covid. This seems all planned.

What are your thoughts on vaccine passports?  They are going out of their way to punish you, take your job, kick you out of school if you’re not vaccinated. If the vaccine works, why can’t we sue Pfizer? How are Covid vaccine passports any different than the Star of David that the Jews used to have to wear to identify themselves with? I find it ironic that people keep the diary of Anne Frank in their homes, but support snitching on people who choose not to get vaccinated.

Should kids get vaccinated? It’s so scary. They already know that in boys Covid vaccines can cause heart issues, so why would you willingly put your kid in through that? What really bothers me is that they are going out of their way to silence the opposing view. We should let people make the choices they want to make. If you’re vaccinated, why do you care if I’m not? I’m wondering if Covid cases are rising because the virus is mutating amongst the vaccinated.

If someone is on the fence about getting a vaccine, what would you say?  Wait until there’s more testing of these Covid vaccines. You should able able to have access to both sides of the story, not just one side being controlled. This is your body at the end of the day. The most sacred thing to me is your body, why are you handing that over to someone? This should be a very informed decision.

What would you say to people who say Covid vaccines are safe? You are putting your life in the hands of people who are bound to make millions and trillions of dollars. Is that really a good idea? How often does the government show up at your door to give you something for free? There’s always a cost.

Are you worried about adverse reactions? No vaccine is perfect, especially such a young one, so some things are going to happen. The vaccines are still in trials. I would rather have my child get Covid than them going limp body down or having a failing heart.

Do you think life will ever go back to normal? There’s already talk about booster shots. Where does this stop? When will a time come when you say enough is enough. I’d like to see all the mask and mandates stopped. Stop telling us we can’t work or go to college if we aren’t vaccinated. If you want to wear a mask, wear one, if you don’t then don’t.

*The opinions expressed are those of the subject and do not necessarily reflect the views of Zardozi and its team.

There’s always two sides to a story. Mehru Sheikh tells us why she’s in favour of the Covid vaccine.

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